Data Meets Actionable Insights

How Two Companies Support Clients for Exceptional Outcomes

Our partnership with Fontus Blue is close – like two hydrogen atoms and an oxygen atom.

Fontus Blue develops solutions in conjunction with utilities and plant personnel that support their efforts to make exceptional drinking water for their customers. Their flagship solution, Decision Blue, helps with issues relating to chemical dosing to support compliance and operations including corrosion control, disinfection and disinfection byproducts (DBPs), harmful algal blooms (HABs), and hardness, to name a few.

(Click on water graphic to enlarge and zoom)

They do this by forecasting water quality off of regularly collected data to give operators more actionable insights to produce better water quality outcomes at less expense. Their solutions help drinking water professionals manage compliance risk, enhance operations, and lower expenses.

Our team meets with Fontus Blue throughout the week to discuss business strategies, the latest in water quality issues, and technology development. Because our companies are located in the same building, we have also been able to enjoy lunch and networking events together.

“It is rare and fortunate that our two companies are located in the same proximity, have common clients, and complimentary product offerings,” said Fontus Blue President and CEO Christopher M. Miller, Ph.D., PE. “2019 was a productive and collaborative year and we look forward to even more synergy in 2020.”

A vital part of the partnership is everywhere – it’s in the Cloud. Data and reports from both companies’ clients is stored securely in Microsoft Azure. This allows staff to view information from anywhere on mobile devices and computers and take the proper actions based on the data.

Data-Command and Fontus Blue working from the same cloud makes it easier for personnel to collaborate with each other, make decisions, and support operations.

In one situation, a mutual client was able to handle issues that came up when he was on vacation internationally. The combination of remote access, secure data, and availability of water quality forecasts gave him insights from across the globe to assist his team to a great outcome.

The close relationship between our companies translates to closer relationships with our clients. This, in turn, continues to build a greater network of water professionals serving our communities.