About our Data-Command Info-Portal™

I believe that we have a unique solution that has a proven track record of helping many municipalities, of all sizes, over the last 15+ years, save money, stay informed and stay compliant.

Glenn King, Owner & CEO

Features of the Data-Command Info-Portal™

Our Info-Portal™ is the heart of Data-Command’s cloud based solution for your remote monitoring and data collection needs. Our secure, reliable and cost effective solution is easily accessible from a smartphone, tablet, or computer. It integrates with your existing equipment, SCADA, and PLC systems, allowing you to access and manage your plant’s information. 

Alert & Notification Solution

Being cloud based means all management is centralized and accessible 24/7. You can easily set up Alerts and Notifications for specific users, Alert Groups, Escalation, and Notification calendars. Receive them via text, email, or voice call. See them in the alert history then print them out in a report.

Displays, Trends and Reports the Way You Want

View information in the form of fully customizable graphics displays that match your unique processes, just like your SCADA. Create trends and run customized reports to analyze data history and troubleshoot issues. See More...

Integrated Manually Entered Data

Our data entry forms allow your manually entered lab and process data to be seamlessly integrated with your real-time information and to be used for lab data sheets and EPA reporting.

Water Quality Analytics

Through our partnership with Fontus Blue, our combined solutions deliver water quality metrics that are unrivaled. Corrosion Control, Disinfection & Disinfection Byproducts (DBPs), Softening, Harmful Algae Blooms (HAB), Cost, Chemical Dosing, and more. The Decision Blue® product helps deliver "Exceptional water for everyone, everyday."

SCADA (Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition) Contingency

View your information and stored data redundantly in the cloud even when your SCADA system is offline.

Integrates with Existing On-Premise SCADA

Easily integrate our solution with your existing equipment, SCADA, and PLC systems to securely extend what you see locally to the cloud. We do this by providing highly secure and reliable edge hardware that can integrate with your automation platform.

Asset Management

The EPA recommends that you track your equipment. Our Asset Management Solution allows you to store your equipment information in the cloud. With a focus on pumps, you can log maintenance, manage components, track equipment condition, and much more.

3rd Party Report & File Emailing

Many systems generate reports that need to be sent to a variety of people on a regular basis. Our solution can send these files, or any file, at a given time to a specified email list.

Cyber Security Monitoring

We have teamed up with experts in cyber security monitoring which help you monitor your O.T. and I.T networks for cyber threats.

Document Library

Upload and store your O&M and PLC files to keep all automation information in one place.

Sending information to your existing SCADA

Want to see your information from remote locations like your lift stations, booster stations, tanks and vault, on your centralized on-premise SCADA system?

Zeus writing to Automation platform and scada servers
Writing to Automation platform and SCADA servers

We are not just a cloud based visualization tool, we are also a transport mechanism. Data-Command can securely deliver that information to your on-premise SCADA packages or automation platform and populate your local display and PLCs for display, alarming, and trending.